Rippa is a sports game you play with a belt and tags.
The most thing I like about Rippa is that you never stop
having fun. The last time my school had a Rippa tournament
was last year and we came second. My school and I had to go
into golden point with Kerikeri school the last try was scored 10
minutes after we went into golden point. So we were giving our
everything but the most important thing my team liked out of
that day was that everyone had fun. The rules of ripa are pretty
simple. There is this thing you do when you spin around. that's
called a washing machine and that’s one of the things your not
allowed to do. There's this other things that’s called an
intercept pretty simple to remember but anyway in Rippa rugby
you can intercept but you can't just take off with the ball you
have to pass the ball to one of your teammates before you
score otherwise it’s a hand over. Another thing you can’t do in
Rippa rugby is fend I think everybody knows what fending is if
you don’t fending is when you push somebody away from you.
There is one more rule I am going to tell you and that rule is
blocking your tags with your hands that is one of the thing
The refs are strict about. And that is why I think Rippa is an
amazing sport.
The most thing I like about Rippa is that you never stop
having fun. The last time my school had a Rippa tournament
was last year and we came second. My school and I had to go
into golden point with Kerikeri school the last try was scored 10
minutes after we went into golden point. So we were giving our
everything but the most important thing my team liked out of
that day was that everyone had fun. The rules of ripa are pretty
simple. There is this thing you do when you spin around. that's
called a washing machine and that’s one of the things your not
allowed to do. There's this other things that’s called an
intercept pretty simple to remember but anyway in Rippa rugby
you can intercept but you can't just take off with the ball you
have to pass the ball to one of your teammates before you
score otherwise it’s a hand over. Another thing you can’t do in
Rippa rugby is fend I think everybody knows what fending is if
you don’t fending is when you push somebody away from you.
There is one more rule I am going to tell you and that rule is
blocking your tags with your hands that is one of the thing
The refs are strict about. And that is why I think Rippa is an
amazing sport.